Monday, April 29, 2013

Psychedelic Cat Online Blackjack Op Art

cat op art glow
You may be surprised to learn that there is a definite correct way to pet a cat. For all those who use cat petting as a way of keeping focus while playing games like online blackjack, this is important. You will only be able to reap the benefits of cat petting if you pet the cat correctly. If you do it wrong, you will not have better concentration. In fact, petting a cat the wrong way might even get you scratched, which would certainly divert your attention from the game. The key is that you start near the head and stroke toward the tail. But do not be the tail. Cats are not dogs so do not pat them on the head of scratch their stomachs. You know that you are petting the cat correctly if you hear a purr. That means that the cat is feeling sociable and enjoying the attention. When you hear the purr, continue the petting and start to focus on the blackjack game. You should not have to worry that the cat will get up and leave or scratch you or do anything other than purr for you and help you maintain the concentration that you need to play the game. Remember, keep the pets gentle and along the back of the cat. If the cat arches his back, continue what you are doing. That is a sign that he approves of your technique. Focus on the game and don’t change the way you are petting.

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